Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sensory room


I enjoyed watching the fish in the sensory room, and naming all the animals. I leanrt how to sign turtle with both my hands on top of each other and the thumbs being the flippers 


Berry Picking 🍓

I enjoyed picking Strawberries, I did my best to find the biggest ones. Then it got really hot so I had an ice cream made with real fruit, it was yummy. JG



 Helping out at the merivale community gardens! CR

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Working out


I did an awesome workout today, did lots of running and lying on my back stretching my arms and legs


Mini Camping Experience

Day camp at Kulim Park. I helped put up the tent and cook the sausages for morning tea. JG


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

In the van

I am so happy to be back at Arohanui and going exploring in the van 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rotary Park

 Music and chats at Rotary Park :)


Making Fireworks

Today I went to Yatton park and did a fireworks creation. We cut lots of lines in some toilet rolls to make a firework stencil then dipped in paint and stamped on my paper finishing my masterpiece off with glitter.